Thursday, January 3, 2013

Two Oh Oh Thirteen

I'm really happy with my completion of several New Years resolutions from 2012. I interned at the Guardian, woo! I got a position at Volta Press (but didn't really follow through since it was such a small place and I was disappointed to find they didn't actually set type but used polymer plates instead). I read a bunch of the epics, (Ulysses will carry over into my 2013 list though). Didn't take Japanese, but applied for the JET program, and hey, that's a big step! And...I did paint a landscape, but I think it was worth it:

So here goes 2013:

1. Do at least one freelance piece a month.
2. Do at least one serious painting a month.
3. Finish Ulysses.
4. READ THE NEWS ... daily.
5. Start tagging.
6. Take either Japanese or Art.
7. More figure drawing.
8. Make a website.

 I have really positive feelings about this year. I have a new job, plenty of free time, and just scored a spot in a really cool artist co-op in the center of San Francisco. Also, I just got a really sick camera from my whole family this Christmas!! I can't wait to go to shows and start stocking images for paintings. I'm still learning how to use it but here are some shots from the break:
 The Christmas Cactus

Lights at the Mission Inn in Riverside

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