Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Before there was Alex Grey...

I saw one of Pavel Tchelitchew's paintings in the Gertrude Stein exhibit at the SFMOMA last summer. I wrote his name down because the post-apocalyptic feel of it was a striking contrast with the preceding paintings of abstract art-world inside jokes and serene scenes of luxurious dresses lounging on pretty women in impressionist France (yeah you Matisse.) It wasn't until I google searched him while procrastinating this morning that I was like, 'Holy shit, Alex Grey who?' (The link is there in case you are also going, 'Alex Grey who?' but for different reasons.) Call me a hipster, but this guy was making acid-trip art before acid-trip art was cool. And furthermore, he did it with a conscious.
Note: Its pronounce Chell-e-shetf in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

  1. Damn that shit cray...third and fourth from the top are my favorites
