Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wes Inspired Art, Dream-Pop Nymphs, Clay, and Silver Underwear

I love my internship. Here's a bunch of cool things I found at work yesterday while browsing and researching picks for the Bay Guardian.

Wes Inspired Art
There's an exhibit of Wes Anderson inspired art in SF right now? Lol.
Through Nov 24th 

Dream Pop Nymphs
When I asked a friend about Twin Sister live his reply was, "Andrea is an ice fairy nymph backed by a casual collaboration of Brooklyn hipsters." He also sent me this lovely video.
They will be bringing their romantic, sultry, and physchadelic dream-pop to SF next week. Woo!
@Rickshaw Stop

Really cool sculpture from the film Dimensions of Dialogue (1982) by Czech animator, Jan Svankmajer. It reminds me of Magritte's the Lovers, which is one of my favorite cynical romantic paintings. Svankmajer's films are gruesome dark comedy often with a philosophical edge. These will also be showing in San Francisco in the upcoming weeks.
A variety of dates

Silver Underwear 
Juergen Teller, Self-Portrait with Charlotte Rampling (from Louis XV)
“Charlotte arrived, and I was totally starting to sweat. She said, Now what are we going to do? I said, I’m going to show you what I’m going to wear. So I went into the bedroom, and I came out in these silver underpants. And she said, What the hell is that? I was smoking my cigarette, breaking out in a sweat. I said, Well, I was just thinking I could kiss you and fondle your breasts. She sat down and got herself a cigarillo. She didn’t say anything. The whole room was quiet for what seemed like months. I was, like, Oh my God, that is the most stupid thing I’ve ever said, how stupid was that? She just dragged on the cigarillo and crossed her legs, and she said: OK, let’s go. I’ll tell you when to stop. I thought, Oh my God, genius. I can’t believe I’m getting away with it.

Juergan Teller's fashion photography has great use of color, mildly unsettling compositions, and content that pushes everyone's boundaries. Maybe its that he's a rare heterosexual male who is actually attracted to his subjects and not a gay man who just wants to take pictures of sexy women. Any which way, I found him on probably the Artisty-est fashion blog I've seen in a while, Creative Unique. Like really, how many people think to look at Nim Chimpsky for style inspiration? Their Daily Unique supplement has a boatload of good recommendations including Grace Jones, Geometric Porn, and the Architectural Avante Garde.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Before there was Alex Grey...

I saw one of Pavel Tchelitchew's paintings in the Gertrude Stein exhibit at the SFMOMA last summer. I wrote his name down because the post-apocalyptic feel of it was a striking contrast with the preceding paintings of abstract art-world inside jokes and serene scenes of luxurious dresses lounging on pretty women in impressionist France (yeah you Matisse.) It wasn't until I google searched him while procrastinating this morning that I was like, 'Holy shit, Alex Grey who?' (The link is there in case you are also going, 'Alex Grey who?' but for different reasons.) Call me a hipster, but this guy was making acid-trip art before acid-trip art was cool. And furthermore, he did it with a conscious.
Note: Its pronounce Chell-e-shetf in case you were wondering.