"The Godlove Museum" is a series of video game art pieces based on sections of the Bible. I actual didn't know that when I was freaking out about this, so feel free to ignore that part. I was impressed by how they played on the psychology of a gamer.
It had me
thinking about the experience of playing video games and the mechanisms of the game. It also gives an interesting perspective on
violence, addictive/compulsive behavior patterns, and advertising.
I was struck by a lot of really weird deep emotions while playing. Overall, I liked "Numbers" and
"Deuteronomy" most, but it should definitely be played start to finish. Good luck ( :
Heres the link: * g * e * n * e * s * i * s *

Reminds me of Hotel by h. hoogerbrugge http://www.hoteloscartangoecholima.com/splash.html